The Engineering Feedback Event was attended by 25 members of staff. The day included some excellent presentations and lively discussions. As part of the students-led workshop, attendees had an opportunity to build models of effective feedback practices using Lego.
Thank you to all attendees and speakers!
Here is a list of recordings and other resources from the sessions (to access the resources please log in with your UoB credentials):
Keynote: Moving Feedback Forwards in Higher Education (Professor Naomi Winstone, The Surrey Assessment and Learning Lab)
Closing the Feedback Loop: Insights from Engineering Students (Ana Beatriz Quelhas O. e Moreira, Abdalrahim Naser, Gen Kawaguchi, John Whittock)
Approaches to Peer Feedback (Dr Joel Ross)
Using Turnitin Similarity Reports as Feedback (Ania Udalowska)
Video Feedback (Dr Joel Ross)
Using Blackboard and Turnitin rubrics (Ania Udalowska)